
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Relay for Life

Our school has been very busy the past couple of weeks having fundraisers for Relay for Life.  Sadly, the parapro who works in the computer lab, just found out a few weeks ago that she has Breast Cancer, so that has upped it even more so.  The students love her and everyone wants to make a contribution.  This past week was cupcake wars.  The students were able to buy a cupcake each day for snack and then voted on their favorite cupcake design.  The winning teacher gets to go out for lunch one day.  Look at these cute designs!

I'm pretty sure pinterest has inspired quite a few of these!  lol

Does your school participate in raising money for Relay for Life?  What are some of the ideas you do to make money?



  1. What a great idea... I used to participate and I haven't in years. Now you having me looking up the closest race in my hometown :)


    Jessica Stanford
    Mrs. Stanford's Class Blog
    Like Me on FB!

  2. This is the first year our shool has participated and we did Coins for a Cause. Each teacher was given a waterbottle and a milk jug. Each water bottle filled with dimes was just under $100.00. The rest of the change went in the milk jugs. It was an awesome fundraiser and far exceeded our expectations! Thanks for following my blog:) I am one your newest follower!
