
Sunday, July 29, 2012

A is for Adventure

A is for Adventure.  I would like to thank all of you all in blogging world for inspiring me to join the ranks of teacher blogs this year and to all of you who read my blog and leave me such kind comments.

 As I get ready to begin the new school year, I look forward to beginning a brand new adventure with my students.  I’ve planned all summer, worked on school stuff when I should be relaxing, etc.  (eh…why am I telling you this??  I bet you’ve all done the EXACT same thing.)

Blogging has inspired me and rejuvenated me to be the very best teacher I can be and then give even more.  I look forward to going on an adventure this year and bringing my students along with me. 

On that end, to get ready, I have been visiting recycle/thrift stores like nobody’s business!!  I am so excited about the way my room is coming together.  Here is a sneak peek at some of the things I have purchased…
I'm buying enough so every student in my reading group will have a "reading buddy." 

Got a cutie patootie plan for this adorable mirror!

Can you guess the colors I'm using in my room this year?

What about the theme???

We have been told it will be another week before we can get into our room.  (In fact, when I visited Thursday, the hall was piled high and my room was receiving another coat of wax.)

In the meantime, I am on a personal adventure with my family and the last before school begins.
Manatee Springs State Park

I hope you are all planning and getting excited for your big adventure this year.  Where will it take you?  I hope it takes all of us, but especially the students, soaring to GREAT heights and that all of their dreams come true as they go on the biggest adventure of all…

Have a great school year!  Where will the adventure take you?


  1. Hey girl! Love all the thrift store finds! Look out, yu will start getting frogs from everywhere, just like my pigs!! HaHa Love our enthusiasm!


    2nd Grade Pig Pen

  2. Love your theme. See you took the idea for the Blog Topic. Look forward to seeing what you have come up with in your room.

  3. I feel the same way about blogging! I'm so excited to implement all of the things I've made and worked on this summer!

    Success in Second Grade

  4. Love the idea of reading buddies for all! I think thrift shops are the best! And,I too, have spent a lot of time blogging! It is all so inspiring!!! Enjoy your vacation!

  5. You know I never think of thrift shops & I should start! Thanks for sharing! If you have time when you get back stop by my blog and join my "Classroom Tours Linky Party"! I would love to see your classroom!!


    Brigid's Daily Lesson Log

  6. Your class is going to be so cute with all your little frogs! I am your newest follower!

  7. ADORABLE! I will definitely have to start scouring the thrift stores around here. I love all of those little froggies you found. I am sure your kiddos will too! Who wouldn't want to curl up and read with one of those little stuffed friends?

    If you get a chance stop by my NEW blog...

    Thanks for sharing!
