
Monday, October 15, 2012

Brain Math

What a GREAT Monday I had!!!
It didn't even feel like a Monday.  (BIG smile)
Everything went smooth and exactly as it should.  How shocking is that??
Perhaps part of it had to do with the wonderful news I was FINALLY able to share with everyone...

Yep!  I'm going to be a Grammy (or a Meme, or a Mimzi...haven't figured that one out yet, but I know that it can't sound OLD!!!!) 
It's hard to tell because of the glare on the picture, but the very bottom says
We are VERY excited!!!
It was a BEAUTIFUL autumn day here today, the kiddos were great, all my lesson plans executed exactly as planned, AND....
You'll never GUESS what else happened.
Come on...
No, that's not it!
That's not it either!!!
I got BOO'D!!!

Look at that goody apple with caramel dip, homemade white chocolate skeleton hands,
M & M's, Snickers, and Halloween pencils in this adorable basket.
I'm sure my class thought I was looney when I began laughing.  I couldn't help it! 
After all, I started the virtual version of BOO on Friday and it has been a huge success.
If you haven't checked it out yet, click here to go check out all of the awesome blogs.  I found LOTS of new ones!
Well, now, if you don't mind hanging in there for just a little longer, I have a freebie to share with you. 
First, let me explain how a fellow teacher taught it to me.
It's called BRAIN Math.
Have the students use dry/erase boards and number 1-10.
Show the Power Point.  Decide on a time limit.  (I started at 10 seconds for each slide.)
The students write ONLY the answer next to the number.
(Be sure you say the number as you change slides.)
At the end, have the students put away their dry erase markers.
Go back over the slides and tell the answers.  The students will erase any wrong answers, but do not change any answers (hence the putting the markers away).
This will help your students practice math fluency facts in a fun and different way.
I hope you enjoy!  (Just click on above picture to download your own free copy.)
It's very simple to make your own Power Point for addition, subtraction, or a mix.
I linked up with Manic Monday.  Click on this picture to find MORE freebies.
Now, I'm off to go start looking at grandmother names (maybe I should do a poll!) haha
I would love to hear your suggestions!


  1. Congrats you {young} grandma! Such exciting news!

    Sara :)
    Smiling In Second Grade

  2. Where am I clicking to get the powerpoint? I am clicking on Brain Math and it is just bringing up the image. So need this! Thanks for sharing.

    1. So sorry! Thanks for letting me know. I fixed it. Just click on the picture to download! :-)

  3. CONGRATS on the big news! Is this your first grandbaby?! So exciting!

    Sent From My iPad

    1. Yep, VERY first. youngest daughter is in the midst of planning her wedding for January. It's an exciting time around here!

  4. Congratulations on your big news!! How exciting! :)
    Leah @ Learning 4 Keeps

  5. Congrats!! I love the cute little saying. I'll have to make something for my parents for when my baby's due in December!

    I'm your latest follower :)
    One, Two, Three: Math

  6. Congrats!! Oooohhh, the baby shopping to come, yay! Enjoy the coming months.
    Mrs Poultney's Ponderings

  7. Congrats on the announcement! Grandmas are the best.
    My Second Sense
