
Monday, November 5, 2012

Paperless Monday - Nov. 5th

Has your school limited copies that you can make for your classroom? 
When this first happened to us, I was OUTRAGED!!!
Okay, not really...
BUT, it did make me take a step back to see where I could make some changes.
I do think it doesn't take very much effort to just hand out a worksheet and especially near the beginning of the school year, it sure does make life easier.
However, now that making copies have become rare for me, it has actually become easier.
Yep, easier.  Now that I have my students HIGHLY TRAINED, it is actually very simple for my planning. 
I was going to only do one post, but then, I realized, I actually had quite a bit to say on the subject.
Therefore, I am going to dedicate all Monday posts to "Paperless" ideas.
How long will this continue?
Well, I guess until I run out of things to say about it!  haha
So, continue reading if you're still hanging in there with me for my first paperless idea.

These are probably the most important 3 items in my classroom. 
I literally, could not teach without them.
 (All of the technology out there and this is my MUST HAVES???  YES!!)
Each day in math, I work with a small group at my needs-based table.  Each student has these three iems.
I work with them doing a spiral review that includes measurement, adding, subtracting, money, problem of the day, time, and place value.
Tomorrow will be the 4th day of school in the month of November, so this is the page we will be using.
We go over one problem at a time. 
The students write down their answer.  When they are finished, they put the lid on the marker and put it on the table.  This helps me know they are finished. 
Here are some of the items we use.


Next, they all show their answers and we discuss.
Here is a sample of how they show the big number of the day.
In years' past, I have shown this on my bigscreen. The students would each write their answers on the spiral math board which I would laminate (included in the monthly units).

The students would keep these in their desk to use daily. This option is also a paperless method.
If you would like to see a sample, you can download the month of February FREE.
You can purchase the other months individually as listed on the product overview of February (click pic above) or you can purchase the entire year at a discounted price here.
Do you have any ideas to share about paperless (mostly) ways to learn in your classroom? 


  1. What a great post idea!! I use whiteboards in my classroom, too! I have also put papers in sheet protectors or laminated them (math games especially) and given students dry erase markers or visa markers to do the work, then a baby wipe to clean them off!

    Wishful Teaching

  2. I love this post!! My school does not have a limit, but I try to be as paperless as possible. I like the math spirals. They would be very beneficial for my "lower" group!
