
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Christmas Freebie #18

It's so, so busy as we wind down this week.  I've been super busy getting our fun day in math ready for tomorrow.  Be sure to check back to see the pictures tomorrow.  Here's a involves food, "shopping", and money for an AWESOMELY FUN Performance Task!
Here's a few of the things we'e been up to this week.
We've been practicing our fluency by reading the words as we sing Christmas songs.  We're taking the act on the road as we go caroling to other classrooms tomorrow. 
If you missed this freebie, just click on the picture.
We've also been practicing ABC order in one of the literacy stations.  The 8 word cards are stored in a baggie.
I also included an alphabet strip for each student to give extra support to those who need it.  Click on this picture to get this freebie if you haven't already gotten it. 
Today's freebie is actually one I offered BEFORE I had the idea to give away 25.  I hope you'll forgive me for being a little too busy to get you a new one tonight!  :)
It includes 3 math stations.  This will also be the last of Christmas themed freebies.  I'm sure everyone is winding down and looking ahead to what you will do when you return.  I will be also!