
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

A Pet Penguin??? REALLY!!!

We are having SO MUCH FUN doing research about penguins!!!

I'm sure a lot of you are studying penguins also.  Those little critters just fascinate me!  They are so comical looking!!!

Here is our research books.  The kiddos are absolutely loving completing these and ask as soon as they walk in the door if we are going to be working in them again.

Here's another page near the end of the book.

Did you know there are 20 different kinds of penguins?  So far, we've already discovered 9 of them.  Each time we find a new one, the kiddos are pulling out their research books to write it's name on the list.  My lowest little fellow (in the RTI process) and won't EVER write anything is the first one writing it down.  Maybe, just MAYBE (fingers crossed), I have found something he enjoys and is clicking!!!

Did you ever wish you could have a pet penguin?  It just might happen!

Wow!  I wish that was MY pet!  Don't you??

It's hard to believe how amazing, super fast time flies when we are having to get ready for the next big thing just around the corner isn't it??  

Well, I've been working hard to get my Valentine's Math Centers all finished up.  I am so pleased with this unit!
 If you are already planning ahead, you might want to check this out.

I have loaded this Valentine's Bump onto the preview, so you can go over and download it as a freebie to enjoy!


  1. I totally want a pet penguin!! Looks like your kids had a great time learning about penguins!! Enjoy the rest of your week!

    1. I know...ME TOO!!!! Isn't he absolutely adorable???

      I hope you have a great rest of the week also.

      Thanks for stopping by! :-)

  2. Wow, your Valentine unit looks great. It looks like you've been busy in school and at home! Have a good rest of the week.

  3. Looks like you are having TONS of fun with penguins! Pet Penguins? Great idea! I am combining Polar Bears and Penguins starting Thursday so let the fun begin!!!
    Ms. Marciniak's First Grade Critter Cafe

  4. Thanks for linking up to show and tell this week and sharing such great ideas!
    Sunny Days In Second Grade

  5. Domáce tučniak???

    NAOZAJ!!! zvolala Sarah, keď si prezerala svoje sociálne siete. Napriek svojej skepse sa nemohla ubrániť otázke, či jej novoobjavená fascinácia môže konkurovať jej vášni pre prebiehajúci kurz úpravy psov.

  6. This is a very neatly written article.

  7. Thank you for the post. I will certainly return.
