
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

It's a NEW YEAR, Currently, and the winner of my Blogiversary!

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!!
I have been so excited getting all of the notifications of all of your wonderful comments on my blogiversary post!  I started to respond to each of you, but it was just too overwhelming!  :-)
(In a GREAT way!!!)
Are you bleary-eyed reading this because you stayed up too late last night?
Me, too!  I was so excited to see who was going to win my giveaway, that I just HAD to stop up 'til midnight for that!
However, for YOUR sake (wink, wink), I will keep it short and sweet...
Just a few things...
Like many of you, I was LISTENING to Dick Clark's Rocking New Year's Eve.  It was so nice seeing how they really spotlighted him!
I am LOVING all these pj days.  I am going to be sooooo spoiled when I have to go back to work.
I am THINKING about all I still need to do before my daughter's (Camille) wedding on Jan. 26th....
(I hope I don't go looney before then...I'm really starting to feel stressed!!!!)
I can't think of anything I am WANTING...  (See my OLW)
I am NEEDING to clean my house instead of working on all these new units!!!
My One Little Word (OLW)...content...
My mom says the secret to happiness is to be content with what you have.
I am feeling VERY content.  Life is GOOD!  2012 has been an absolutely FABULOUS year (especially because of the many blessing I have received from blogging and TPT).
Next year is going to be one of the best yet.
1)  I am going to be a Grammy for the very first time...Super, SUPER excited about the new grandbaby!!!!!
2)  Camille is getting married, so I am going to gain another wonderful son-in-law.  (He already feels like one.)
3)  Both Megan (my oldest daughter) and Camille are building houses next to us (one on each side), so all of my little family will be right here together.
Yep, I think CONTENT sums my life up nicely.  I am VERY content AND happy!!!!
Here's what I'm working on....
It's an ENTIRE framework for the month of January.  I'm super excited about it. 
It's EXACTLY what my kiddos are going to be doing and I'm getting it all ready to put in my TPT store. 
If you need complete lesson plans for ELA with EVERYTHING included, just hold on for another little bit.
I'm almost finished!  :-)
Now, onto what you've ALL been waiting for...the WINNERS from my Huge Blogiversary Giveaway....
Are you ready???
 Congratulations ladies and THANK you to everyone for making this such a WONDERFUL giveaway!
Happy New Year!


  1. Wow, you have a very exciting and fabulous year ahead! Wishing you all the best for 2013! :)

  2. What a wonderful feeling to have both of your daughters right next to you. My mom built her house right next to my grandparents, but she has to settle for my brother and me living 45 minutes away. We talk everyday and see each other about once a week. Have a wonderful 2013!

    Surviving Sixth Grade

  3. Farley's rule of three brought me to your blog! Wow! You have some great things happening! So excited for your daughter's wedding, just take deep breaths! Congrats on being a grandma! How fun will that be!!! I am going to go through PJ withdraw as well! We had back on Thursday....I have loved wearing my PJS for 50% of each day! OK maybe more like 75%! I hope you continue to have a year full of lots of blessings and contentment..nothing better than that! Hope you have a super day! :)

  4. Sounds like a wonderful year you've had! What a blessing to be able to have your family so close to you! I hope you have a wonderful 2013! I am your newest follower!

    What's Working This Year?

  5. Being a Grandma is the absolute BEST! I have gained 2 daughter-in-laws & 2 (1/ due any day) Granddaughters THIS YEAR! It is so fun to be able to do ALL the things you " didn't have time to do" when you were raising yours!We fingerpaint with pudding on the kitchen table, we watercolor paint, & I "rockie, rockie" our 8 month old EVERY CHANCE I GET! Soooooo fun! ENJOY!

  6. Ah, wedding planning! I am right there with ya sister!

    Just Diving In

  7. Congrats on the blessing of being a Grammy! I am really looking forward to your new Polar Bear and Penguin unit....I've been thinking I want to do this when I return to school next week....I guess I need to start lesson planning.

    Swinging Through Second Grade

  8. So excited to be your third place winner! I was able to download and it is great, thanks! Congrats on your Blogiversary, I just started my blog so a year looks a long way away :)


  9. So nice to meet you through Farley's Currently. Your blog is absolutely ADORABLE! This frog I see to my right is so stinkin cute!!! Congrats on your milestone in blogging! I am so happy to be your newest follower!
    Happy New Year!
    Ms. Marciniak's First Grade Critter Cafe
