
Monday, January 23, 2012

Rainy Days and Mondays...

I always loved the song by The Carpenters..."Rainy Days and Mondays."  Thankfully, though, they DON'T get me down.  I have always LOVED rainy days, but I must admit, that I would prefer some sunshine.  On the other hand, I'm VERY thankful that it is rain and not snow we are getting.  At this time last year we had already had several snow days and ended up having to make 10 up. 
Well, on the plus side, having indoor recess allows me to get some things done while the children play.  I saw someone's TPT unit that was a supplement for a Scott Foresman reading series.  Let me tell you, you haven't had cut and dry (read...BORING) until you've had SRA Reading Mastery as your ONLY reading series.  The students are all so tired of it, and I must admit, so am I.  I have no idea who had posted the unit, but it got me excited and I started thinking of things I could do to supplement my reading materials.  I will be glad to share my first unit with any of you that have this series.  Just send me an e-mail.

Have a good evening!

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