
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

How do you get ideas???

I am linking up with Manic Monday at Classroom Freebies!

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday
I am curious...How do you get your creative ideas??  Mine pop out at me from the most unlikely place sometimes.  Case in point, yesterday afternoon when I got home, I saw that my dear hubby had set the empty cereal box on the countertop.  To make matters worse, it was the same countertop over top of the trashcan!!!  GRRRR...Now, how much harder could it have been to put the box into the trash?  I pick it up and I'm grumbling and growling to myself about the injustice aggravation of it all, when...EPHIANY!!!  I find myself looking at the Captain Crunch box

 and all the cute activities on the back of the box and I hear myself saying to my students, "You can read anything you want.  I don't care what it is.  It can even be a box of cereal!!!"  Eureka!!!  Just like that my latest unit is born!

So, I decided it was time for another freebie for all of you wonderful, fabulous, stalkers followers and I posted it in my TPT store.  Go here to get your copy now.  All you need is some empty cereal boxes to have fun during your literacy centers next week.    This would be great to use for end-of-the-year fun activities (or anytime for that matter!)

Speaking of it...

Only 17 more days for students at my school.  How about you?  I'm linking up with Tessa over at Tales From Outside the Classroom.  Go on over to check out lots of teachers end-of-the-year ideas to help get you through the last few days. 

I think the end of the year is getting to all of us.  I had one of my brightest students tell me a wrong answer today and she said, "I knew that.  I guess my mind is slipping."  To which I replied that she was too young to already have that problem.  Her reply - "My mom forgets stuff all the time.  This just proves I really do belong to her!"  lol

Have a good evening!  (And start eating that cereal so you'll have some empty boxes for next week!)



  1. Found your blog today! I am your newest follower:) Stop by and see me...

  2. I love your blog, I get my ideas just like you do, out of nowhere something sparks an idea. Now I teach in the computer age, I started teaching before that time, I have even more ideas pop up from other people's ideas only I put my twist on them.

  3. I am also a Georgia teacher. I teach 3rd grade in Warner Robins, maybe 3 hours south of you. Ever heard the phrase, "Necessity is the mother of invention?" That is usually where I get my inspiration. When I find I need something, my team usually does too, so I get to work. I am glad I found your blog and thanks for sharing!
    3rd Grade Grapevine
