
Sunday, June 10, 2012

Work Smarter, Not Harder Post #3

Getting Ahead on Your Lesson Plan Book

Today's smarter tip probably seems too easy....and it really is.  This one won't take you but a couple of hours TOPS and will put you so far ahead of the game next year.  Whether you do your lesson plans on the computer or you write them by hand, simply going ahead and filling in all the weekly dates, special days, holidays etc.  will make it so much easier when it comes time next year to do those mundane type of things.  If you know your schedule add the times and activities.  If you teach special themes add those into the months you teach.  ANYTHING you add now, will be that much less during the busy school year.  Remember, we want to make this next year all about Working Smarter, NOT Harder!  Check back Wednesday for the next part of my series.

To make this summer even more exciting (not much can beat simply being summer!), I am going to have a WEEKLY special in my TPT and TN stores.  In addition, I will be hosting a weekly Monday linky, for others to offer great specials also.  Come back tomorrow to join up or look for some great deals!  Get ready for some Super, Sizzling, Summer Specials!



  1. That's definitely a great idea! Thanks for sharing! :)

    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  2. What a great tip! Just called my teammate and told her we have to do this!! Thanks for sharing!

    Peace, Love, and First Grade

  3. I can't wait to check back tomorrow! I hope you are having a great summer! Thanks for the tips!

  4. Cynthia,
    Your blog looks wonderful and you have some great ideas. Thanks for sharing!

    The Original Doodle Bug
