
Monday, October 8, 2012

A Monday Freebie!

YEAH!!!!!  Monday is over!!!  Big sigh of relief....

Do you find yourself dreading Mondays?  Why is that?  I guess because we hate to see the weekend leave?  Getting back into the swing of things?  Whatever the reason is for you, for me it just seems that Monday is a little more hectic.  Even though I have everything prepared and ready to go, it just seems like a little bumpier ride than the rest of the week.

Well, today was no exception, yet it was an exception.   Does that even make sense?  lol

Friday was a holiday for the students, but not for the teachers.  I was so looking forward to working in my room, but alas, most of my day was spent in meetings.  (Sound familiar??)

I finished up 3-week plans Thursday and was ready to start new ones today.  (As several students informed me, all the OTHER counties were out for Columbus Day...but not us!!!) As one student proclaimed, "The INJUSTICE of it all!!"  haha...glad to hear that vocabulary from a 2nd grader!!!

Anywho, two of my students were out Thursday, so I still had some testing to finish before I could begin...yep, there was my bump!!!

The exception to the day was ... it was RAINING!!!!  Jump for joy!!!  I LOOOOOVVVVEEEE rainy day recess.  It means I am in the room and able to have 30 bonus minutes to get things done! 

I made this cutie-patootie writing activity this weekend so my homeroom students spent recess doing making a craft.  Something we NEVER get to do!

(Remember, I don't actually get to do fun things with homeroom because we switch for all of our classes this year.)  They were so excited to make these and did a WONDERFUL job.

Here are some of theirs:

You can get your own by going to my TPT store or my TN store.
I would love if you would become a follower and leave me some kind words and comments when you download this.
And have a GREAT rest of the week....Monday's OVER!!!  Yippee!!!


  1. I totally get the bumpy Monday problem, even when everything is ready to go when I leave school on Friday. :)
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  2. These are adorable! I can't wait to see what my students come up with. Thanks for the freebie!
