
Friday, October 5, 2012

My Dream Came True!

My dream came true today!!!!  Kinda.... Well, sorta.....  A little bit.... Maybe...  Ok, ok... I admit...NOT AT ALL!!!!  BUUUUUUTTTTT....I did have something that happened that REMINDED me of my dream!!!

I have had a recurring dream since childhood.  In this dream, I wake up, go to my closet and it is hanging FULL of beautiful clothes with the tags still on that I had completely forgotten about.  Well, that kinda, sorta happened to me this morning.

I was up earlier than usual, which just meant I had more time to get on the computer and do important "stuff."  I responded to all of my kind, wonderful comments on TPT then decided I needed to leave feedback on some purchases I made recently.  Well, shame on me, but I discovered there were a few wonderful sellers out there whom I had forgotten to thank and leave some positive feedback for, along with a rating (sorry!!!)

Okay, are you ready?  I'm finally getting to the part where my dream ALMOST came true...

Hold on...

Are you ready????

I found TWO....yes, TWO (can you believe it) items that I had purchased and completely forgotten to download!!!  It was almost like Christmas (along with making my dream come true, of course)!  Now, I have some ADORABLE borders that I MUST make something with....

Okay, okay...on to something else...

I'm linking up with  to highlight five fab freebies from my TPT store so that you can enjoy your own "dream come true!!"  hahaha...

Check out and grab these for yourself...

Words and headings in this cute font to use on your wordwall.

Clock Task Cards

Posters to help students know what to do if they come to a word they do not know.
A banner to make for your classroom.
Just click on the pictures!  :-)
I hope you all have a fabulous Friday!

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