
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

I've been busy... and some freebies!

I've been super-de-duper busy this past week.  I worked hard all last week working on activities for my math and literacy stations for the month of October. They turned out so cutie-patootie!!! Of course, I had to post the unit to my TPT store and my TN store to share with all of you!
  See more details here to see all that's included in the unit.
I also finally got up these bright, neon clocks which not only brightens up my classroom but also is a cute way to show different times of our day.
I got these from Ms. Fultz's Corner on TPT.
We also had a program with Ronald McDonald teaching the students about bullying and what to do.
I also made sticker books for all my sweet kiddos to help bribe reward them for working hard to learn their Instant Words.

 Click here to get your own free copy of the first 100 words.
And if you're still in need of another freebie, well....

Thanks for hanging in with me all the way to the end.  Click here to get your freebie.
Don't forget to become a follower of my store and blog.
Thanks and have a FANTASTIC week!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh I love your sight word book idea! If only I taught little kiddos again!

    Teaching Maths with Meaning
