Yesterday, the teachers had to return to school for a work day. I helped several of my fellow 2nd grade teachers start their own blogs. We had a lot of fun together and I'm so excited to have friends sharing this journey. Today, I am working on making teaching activities to post on TPT (see math spiral review post for my first product). I made myself a nice hot cup of homemade cappuchino (my version anyway) to enjoy while I've been working away. Even though I know this will cut into our February Winter Break by having to make this day up, I am enjoying sitting here in my PJ's and doing what I love best...making things for school. (Teachers are a strange sort of creature like that! lol)
Here is my homemade cappuchino recipe. Enjoy!
Dash of coffee
Splash of heavy cream
3/4 cup of milk (or there about...I don't actually measure anything)
1 pkg instant hot chocolate
Heat in microwave 1 min. Stir (It will boil over if you do me on this. :-)
Heat 20-30 more seconds
I love your post today! I also love the cappu---coffee recipe! I will have to try it!