Sunday, February 3, 2013

For the Love of Teaching Blog Hop...Day 3

I'm so glad you stopped by to grab another freebie from our

I've joined with 13 FABULOUS ladies to offer you lots of goodies.

Samantha and Cyndie had some awesome freebies for Day 1 and Day 2.  Now it's my turn!
(BTW, thanks so much to my great Aussie friend Mel, for creating all of our cute buttons!)

Here is your freebie for today:

This unit is part of my larger Valentine unit and will only be available as a FREEBIE for a short while, so don't miss out on it!

The lovebug craftivity will ALWAYS be free.

Students match up the word cards to form a compound word.

After completing the matches, the students then choose 8 of their favorite compound words to complete the activity page.

After completing the activity page, the students can then choose their most favorite compound word of all to use on the Lovebug Craftivity.

If you read my post Friday, you know I comment that I think Mother Nature needs hormone therapy. Well, even more so now! They were predicting a "light dusting of snow/snow flurries" for us yesterday. Instead, there is almost 4 inches of snow outside! 

 (This picture was taken after the first 1 1/2 hours of snow.)

Now, remember, I live in the south. We have two road trucks for the largest north Georgia county. Needless to say, roads are a MESS! My van is parked at the bottom of our driveway and I had to walk 1/2 mile to the house. I think snow in the south must just be different than up north.  

With even just a tiny bit, the roads turn SLICK!

I said all of that, to very, VERY glad that I am to be able to stay at home all cozy today and shop in the BIG Teachers Pay Teachers sale. My store is 20% off. You can save even more by entering the code when you check out.
For all of my loyal followers, if you purchase 2 items from my store today, you can choose a third one for FREE!!!  Yep, that's what I said!  Who can resist all of that... a HUGE sale AND something free!  :-)

Just e-mail me with your TPT user name and the free item (equal or less than your lowest priced item) and I will e-mail it to you pronto.
 (Remember, I'm stuck at home today!)  :-)

Tomorrow, you will be visiting my sweet friend Lesley.  Click below to see her blog.

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday


  1. Cynthia, this is adorable! Practice for the standard, a craftivity, AND a practice page. EXCELLENT!!!

  2. Thank you for thw wonderful freebies and introduction to all our new friends! Our weather is really strange....I am not that far from you and it was sunny and chilly, but no snow. How bizarre! And no-our local weather forcasters rarely get it right....

  3. HI! I am your newest follower! LOVE your blog! SO cute!


  4. Very cute blog! I love it and I love this freebie. Very cute idea! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Hi Cynthia! Thanks so much for the adorable lovebug craftivity!! I found you through Classroom Freebies and am your newest follower :)

    Let's Get Fancy in First

  6. Thanks for the great freebie, Cynthia. We are just hitting on compound words now, so these will be perfect for us to use!

  7. I just found you through the fun, freebie blog hop! You have adorable freebies. I was so glad to get your compound word freebie on time. :)

    Granny Goes to School

  8. Cynthia - I love your BLOG, and this adorable freebie!!

    Crayonbox Learning

  9. Yay! I'm your 700th follower, Congratulations!! These bugs are absolutely adorable! Thank you for this freebie!

    I'm just starting my blog and just posted a "Number Surgery" freebie. I'd love for you to come check it out if you have time!


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