Friday, February 1, 2013

Random 5

I think I have been in a stupor this week.  It's mighty quiet around my house now that my youngest got married last weekend.  

I think I've finally gotten my energy back.  (FYI... for all you young chickies, a wedding is STRESSFUL on the mom's!!!  lol)

I am sharing FIVE random things about my week...

1) I can't NOT  let this week pass by without mentioning THE WEDDING...  one of the most important events in my life...

I can now share this picture from last summer when she was saying "Yes, to the Dress" by ringing a bell to show she had found the dress of her dreams!
2)  I don't know about the rest of  you, but I'm beginning to think that Mother Nature must be going through menopause!  In the span of one week we were out of school for freezing rain, then we rebounded to springlike temps in the upper 60's which brought about severe storms. 
 Here is a pic of the tornado in another county before it headed our way.
We spent over an hour in the "position" because we were under a tornado warning.  Luckily nothing hit our school although the northern end of the county did receive some wind damage. 

3)  We finished up our unit on Polar Bears and Penguins
 We were all sad to see it end.  We enjoyed it so much!

4)  We finally made it through an entire week since school resumed in January.
 The kiddos  and I both enjoyed that we got to have Fun Friday in math!

5)  I've linked up with some of my best bloggy friends for a Valentine giveaway.

Stop by back Sunday to get your freebie from me.  In the mean-time, click on the above icon to get your first freebie.

I'm joining on the big Super Sunday Sale over at TPT...for one day only.  My store will be on sale for 20%.  You will get an extra 8% when you enter the promo code SUPER.  Go on over and start loading up your cart.  If you have previous purchases that you've not rated, please do so to get your TPT points which can be used like $$!!!


  1. Glad to know your kiddies and you are OK. Looking forward blog hoppin' with you.
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