Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Editable Christmas Trees and Freebie #19 for New Year's!

I'm linking up with one of my favorite bloggers, Denise over at Sunny Days, for her very first

Be sure to stop by and find some other great New Year's ideas!

What a fabulous, FUN day we had today.  I can't get over how GREAT my kiddos have been!
 In math, we had an AWESOME performance task to end our unit on money.  Here are some of the items from my group.  Some of the higher groups did differing amounts of money and the very highest groups even counted back change.  Such a fun way for differentiation.

Another lower math group and my group got together to "purchase" the items with their play money.  We both have EIP teachers during this time which helped us out.
After purchasing, the students got to decorate their edible Christmas trees.

You can tell from this happy face what a hit this activity was today. 
 One student said it best when she said, "Mrs. Vautrot, I will NEVER forget today!" that's what teaching is ALL about!!!
I LOVE my job!!!
It all started off with my reading group. We have been practicing hard on fluency by singing Christmas carols from our school books.
We spent part of our class by caroling to the other 2nd grade classrooms. Tomorrow, we will carol to other parts of the school. They did such a great job and are so excited to do it again tomorrow!
I've been thinking about what we'll be doing when we get back from the holidays.  Yep, as teachers, it's all about being prepared.  We have to stay planned weeks in advance.
So, here is an EASY-PEASY math activity for you to use when you return.  It needs a MINIMUM amount of set of number cards to use for ALL of the FIVE math stations.
Seriously, how much easier could it be?
Don't forget to leave a loving comment for me when you download it from my store.  Seriously, I LOVE those comments and I ALWAYS comment back to you!  So, don't forget to check that little box that says "e-mail when seller responds."  I promise, you'll get one!  :-)
I would also love, love, LOVE for you to become a follower of my TPT store.  I have a goal for the end of the year.  Please, help me reach it!
Thanks and ENJOY!!!


  1. Your money activity is AWESOME! I've done something like it before but I love the idea of getting to make the Christmas tree at the end :)

    If you have time, stop by my blog and check out my giveaway!
    The Fabulous First Grade

  2. Thanks for linking up to Show & Tell Tuesday!
    Your New Year's centers look awesome - thank you so much for sharing. I'll be putting them to use when we go back for sure. Your room looks like so much fun :)

    Sunny Days In Second Grade

  3. My students made these edible xmas trees the last day before break and then we ate them for our class party! They had a lot of fun making them!

    The Bender Bunch

  4. I love this idea. Question, how much money did each student start out with?

  5. Hvala vam što ste podijelili svoja razmišljanja. Zaista cijenim vaš trud i čekat ću vaš daljnji post, hvala vam još jednom.
