Organization...Now there's a problematic situation for probably 99% of teachers.
When our day is going 90 to nothing, it is SOOOOOOO hard to keep things organized. That's one reason I am so excited about my first day back to school. We get to work in our rooms! YEAH!!! I have such a PILE on my bookshelf. (I did manage to get my desk cleaned off before leaving.)
I am known around school for my super organizational skills. However, those are just in PLANNING organization. I don't do too well with "stuff." (As my husband can attest to looking at our bedroom right now. Somehow, all the Christmas "stuff" has ended up there! ha!)
However, here are some of the organizational ideas I use in my classroom.
This is a picture off of Pinterest. I have a green bucket for sharpened pencils and a red one for broken. Pencil sharpening is one of my pet PEEVES!!! Just absolutely drives me bonkers with all of that pencil sharpening!! Well, not this year! :-)
I have all of my construction paper separated into hanging files on a bookshelf. EASY access! AND, an added benefit is that all of the colors aren't mixed up, so it helps with my OCD! (hehe)
Another organizational tool I implemented this year was using a pocketchart to show students where to read during their Silent Sustained Reading (SSR) time. (Referred to in our room as FROG time - Fun Reading is Our Goal.) I rotate the students name each Friday afternoon, so on Monday morning, they have a new frog to read with as well as a new place to read for the week. This has worked FANTASTIC in my room!
At the beginning of the year, I hot glued laminated construction paper to the hallway outside my room. By adding clothespins, it keeps the students work organized and on display. (We don't have bulletin boards and nothing, I mean NOTHING will stick to the walls except hot glue!)
On my math focus wall, I have headings in this cutie-patootie font from Mel over at Graphics from the Pond. Having headings helps to keep my focus wall organized.
Which, BTW, is a FREEBIE I have for you. This unit, contains headings for you to use on your own focus wall. Grab it here.
I think one of the best ways I keep myself organized in the classroom is using my Curriculum Mapping guide, "At a Glance." In fact, my co-workers tell me they can't function if they don't have this posted next to their desk and in their lesson plans to help them with their planning. It's another FREEIBE you can grab in my store. Is is in Microsoft Word so that you can edit it to meet your needs. I have mine included as a sample guide.
Here are my New Year's Organizational Resolutions:
I purchased 2 of these cute lime green plastic toy chests at Walmart. I plan on using one for Common Core materials for MATH and the other for LANGUAGE ARTS. The plan is bouncing around in my head of exactly what I want to do. I just know that's the idea! LOL

I have 3 of these rolling carts. I plan on completely revamping by making them into a game center with all of my games I've made and purchased. I use a LOT of games in the classroom for review and I need some new organization of them!

Lastly, to get some of the stacks cleared off that just seem to pile up on my desk, I'm going to put them in one of these drawers. At least it will look a lot neater!
My BLOGGING Goal is to continue posting info you will enjoy reading about with LOTS of pictures!!
What do you do to organize and what do you PLAN to do?
Don't forget to enter to WIN MY STORE (a $350.00 value) and also my BUY 1 GET 2 FREE Sale!!!
Both will continue until the 31st for my BLOGIVERSARY!!! :-)

Lastly, to get some of the stacks cleared off that just seem to pile up on my desk, I'm going to put them in one of these drawers. At least it will look a lot neater!
My BLOGGING Goal is to continue posting info you will enjoy reading about with LOTS of pictures!!
What do you do to organize and what do you PLAN to do?
Don't forget to enter to WIN MY STORE (a $350.00 value) and also my BUY 1 GET 2 FREE Sale!!!
Both will continue until the 31st for my BLOGIVERSARY!!! :-)